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LLMWhisperer Python Client Documentation



A client for interacting with the LLMWhisperer API.

This client uses the requests library to make HTTP requests to the LLMWhisperer API. It also includes a logger for tracking the client's activities and errors.


  • Constructor (self, base_url="", api_key="", api_timeout=120, logging_level=""): Initializes the client with the given parameters.
  • get_usage_info(self): Retrieves the usage information of the LLMWhisperer API.
  • whisper(self, file_path="", url="", processing_mode="ocr", output_mode="line-printer", page_seperator="<<<", force_text_processing=False, pages_to_extract="", timeout=200, store_metadata_for_highlighting=False, median_filter_size=0, gaussian_blur_radius=0, ocr_provider="advanced", line_splitter_tolerance=0.4, horizontal_stretch_factor=1.0): Sends a request to the LLMWhisperer API to process a document.
  • whisper_status(self, whisper_hash): Retrieves the status of the whisper operation from the LLMWhisperer API.
  • whisper_retrieve(self, whisper_hash): Retrieves the result of the whisper operation from the LLMWhisperer API.
  • highlight_data(self, whisper_hash, search_text): Highlights the specified text in the result of a whisper operation.

Detailed Method Documentation


Initializes the LLMWhispererClient with the given parameters.


  • base_url (str, optional): The base URL for the LLMWhisperer API. Defaults to "".
  • api_key (str, optional): The API key for the LLMWhisperer API. Defaults to "".
  • api_timeout (int, optional): The timeout for API requests. Defaults to 120 seconds.
  • logging_level (str, optional): The logging level for the client. Can be "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR". Defaults to the value of the LLMWHISPERER_LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable, or "DEBUG" if the environment variable is not set.


Retrieves the usage information of the LLMWhisperer API.

This method sends a GET request to the '/get-usage-info' endpoint of the LLMWhisperer API. The response is a JSON object containing the usage information.


  • dict: A dictionary containing the usage information.


  • LLMWhispererClientException: If the API request fails, it raises an exception with the error message and status code returned by the API.


Sends a request to the LLMWhisperer API to process a document.


  • file_path (str, optional): The path to the file to be processed. Defaults to "".
  • stream (IO[bytes], optional): A stream of bytes to be processed. Defaults to None.
  • url (str, optional): The URL of the file to be processed. Defaults to "".
  • processing_mode (str, optional): The processing mode. Can be "ocr" or "text". Defaults to "ocr".
  • output_mode (str, optional): The output mode. Can be "line-printer" or "text". Defaults to "line-printer".
  • page_seperator (str, optional): The page separator. Defaults to "<<<".
  • force_text_processing (bool, optional): Whether to force text processing. Defaults to False.
  • pages_to_extract (str, optional): The pages to extract. Defaults to "".
  • timeout (int, optional): The timeout for the request in seconds. Defaults to 200.
  • store_metadata_for_highlighting (bool, optional): Whether to store metadata for highlighting. Defaults to False.
  • median_filter_size (int, optional): The size of the median filter. Defaults to 0.
  • gaussian_blur_radius (int, optional): The radius of the Gaussian blur. Defaults to 0.
  • ocr_provider (str, optional): The OCR provider. Can be "advanced" or "basic". Defaults to "advanced".
  • line_splitter_tolerance (float, optional): The line splitter tolerance. Defaults to 0.4.
  • horizontal_stretch_factor (float, optional): The horizontal stretch factor. Defaults to 1.0.


  • dict: The response from the API as a dictionary.


  • LLMWhispererClientException: If the API request fails, it raises an exception with the error message and status code returned by the API.


Retrieves the status of the whisper operation from the LLMWhisperer API.

This method sends a GET request to the '/whisper-status' endpoint of the LLMWhisperer API. The response is a JSON object containing the status of the whisper operation.


  • whisper_hash (str): The hash of the whisper operation.


  • dict: A dictionary containing the status of the whisper operation. The keys in the dictionary include 'status_code' and the status details.


  • LLMWhispererClientException: If the API request fails, it raises an exception with the error message and status code returned by the API.


Retrieves the result of the whisper operation from the LLMWhisperer API.

This method sends a GET request to the '/whisper-retrieve' endpoint of the LLMWhisperer API. The response is a JSON object containing the result of the whisper operation.


  • whisper_hash (str): The hash of the whisper operation.


  • dict: A dictionary containing the status code and the extracted text from the whisper operation.


  • LLMWhispererClientException: If the API request fails, it raises an exception with the error message and status code returned by the API.


Highlights the specified text in the result of a whisper operation.

Note: The whisper operation must have been performed with the store_metadata_for_highlighting parameter set to True.

This method sends a POST request to the '/highlight-data' endpoint of the LLMWhisperer API. The response is a JSON object containing the highlighted text information.


  • whisper_hash (str): The hash of the whisper operation.
  • search_text (str): The text to be highlighted.


  • dict: A dictionary containing the status code and the highlighted text.


  • LLMWhispererClientException: If the API request fails, it raises an exception with the error message and status code returned by the API.