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Version: 2.0.0

Retrieve API

Retrieve the extracted text executed through the whisper API. This can be used to retrieve the text of the conversion process when the conversion is done in async mode.

Headersunstract-key: <YOUR API KEY>


whisper_hashstringYesThe whisper hash returned while starting the whisper process.
text_onlyboolfalseNoIf set to true, only the text is returned. If set to false, the text along with the metadata is returned.

Example Curl Request

curl -X GET --location '' \
-H 'unstract-key: <Your API Key>'

To include the headers in the response use curl -i in the request.


HTTP StatusContent-TypeHeadersDescription
200application/jsonExtracted text and metadata
400application/jsonError while retrieveing. Refer below for JSON format

Example 400 Response

"message": "<Error Message>"

Possible Error Messages

  • Whisper not found
  • Whisper not ready : status
  • Whisper already delivered

Note: The extracted text can be retrieved only once. Make sure to store the text in your system if you need to access it multiple times. This is for security and privacy reasons. This behaviour can be controlled in on-prem installations.

Response data (text_only=false)

"confidence_metadata" : [],
"metadata" : {},
"result_text" : "<Extracted Text>",
"webhook_metadata" : ""

Confidence Metadata

The confidence metadata contains the confidence score for each line of text extracted from the document. For each line, an array of JSONs is provided with words and their confidence scores. Words with confidence of >= 0.9 are ignored. The confidence score is a value between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates high confidence and 0 indicates low confidence.

  # Each element represents confidence scores for a line
confidence_metadata = [
[], # Line 1
[], # Line 2
[], # Line 3
[], # Line 4
[], # Line 5
[], # Line 6
[ # Line 7
"confidence": "0.801",
"text": "Please"
"confidence": "0.852",
"text": "find"
[ # Line 8
"confidence": "0.767",
"text": "payment"
[], # Line 9

In the above example, the confidence score for the words "Please" and "find" in line 7 is 0.801 and 0.852 respectively. The confidence score for the word "payment" in line 8 is 0.767.


Metadata about the document. Currently, the metadata is empty. This field is reserved for future use.

Result Text

The extracted text from the document.

Webhook Metadata

Metadata sent to the webhook after the document is processed.

Response data (text_only=true)

Return only the extracted text from the document.