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Version: 2.0.0

Usage Stats API

Check the usage metrics of your LLMWhisperer account based on the tag provided.

Headersunstract-key: <YOUR API KEY>


tagstringYesThe tag with user need to filter the usage data.
from_datestringNoFormat required is YYYY-MM-DD
to_datestringNoFormat required is YYYY-MM-DD

Note: If neither from_date nor to_date is provided, usage will be calculated for the last 30 days by default.

Example Curl Request

curl -X GET --location '<tag-name>' \
-H 'unstract-key: <Your API Key>'

To include the headers in the response use curl -i in the request.


HTTP StatusContent-TypeHeadersDescription
200application/jsonThe API will return a JSON with the status. Refer below for JSON format
400application/jsonThe API will return a JSON with the error message. Refer below for JSON format

Example 200 Response

"end_date": <end date>,
"start_date": <start date>,
"subscription_id": <susbscription-id>,
"tag": "credit",
"usage": [
"pages_processed": <count>,
"service_type": "form"
"pages_processed": <count>,
"service_type": <mode>

400 Bad Request

"message": "please specify the tag while requesting usage info"
"message": "Invalid date format. Valid date format YYYY-MM-DD"