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Download sample documents

So you can get started quickly, we've put together a zip file consisting of a set of sample credit card statements.


Download the sample set of credit card statements from here.

There are a total of 4 sample statements in the provided zip file.

img Structure of Examples

Once you unzip the files, you'll find two folders inside the parent folder. One named prompt_enineering and the other named testing. We will use 3 statements inside the prompt engineering folder to prompt engineer structuring of the documents and then we'll use the statement inside the testing folder to see how well our project works on new files not seen by the system. To create generic structuring APIs, you'll probably need dozens of documents, but this simple project should help you wet your feet.

Now that you've downloaded the statements, let's go ahead, structure them and look at how to achieve different integrations so we can automate the processing of credit card statements.