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Prompt Studio Layout

Let's look at how the Prompt Studio is laid out and become familiar with the most common features we'll use.

img Prompt Studio layout

Let's look at what each numbered feature is for:

  1. Prompt Engineering Pane: this is where you add and manage prompts that extract information from various types of documents.
  2. Document Pane: this is where you can view documents in their native, raw and summary forms.
  3. Document Manager: this feature lets you manage uploaded documents within the Prompt Studio project.
  4. Project Settings: lets you control various aspects of the Prompt Studio project like LLM Profiles, among other settings.
  5. Add New Prompt: this button lets you create new prompts.
  6. Export Project: when you're done creating or editing a Prompt Studio project. You can export your project as a custom tool which you can then use as part of any workflow.