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Set up LLMWhisperer Text Extractor

Reliable answers need reliable input data. This is where LLMWhisperer comes in. It can extract text from text-based PDFs, perform OCR on image based PDFs or even extract text in layout-preserving mode in any PDF, text-based on otherwise.

LLMWhisperer is a specialized document text extractor developed by the Unstract team to specially targeting Large Language Models. It is available as a free service with a generous daily quota, but also available as a paid service should you need to process documents more than the free quota will allow.

In this section, we'll see how to create a free LLMWhisperer account, create an LLMWhisperer API key which we'll use to let the Unstract Platform connect and utilize the LLMWhisperer service. So, let's get started.

  • Head to the LLMWhisperer portal and sign up for a free account after clicking on the "Sign Up" link from the top navigation. It's a pretty standard sign up process. Once you fill out the sign-up form, you should get a verification email. This should contain a link for you to click on, verify and then login with the email and password you specified.

When you sign up for LLM whisperer, you will be automatically subscribed to Tier-1: Free 100 Pages Per Day plan.By using this plan you can, Process up to 100 pages a day completely free! No credit card required.To increase the usage limit,visit LLM whisperer plans

  • Once you're logged into the service successfully, let's get you an API key now. Click on "Profile" from the top navigation menu and then click on "show" to reveal the API key.

    img Choose LLMWhisperer Product

Now that we have an API Key for the LLMWhisperer Text Extractor service, let's connect it to the Unstract Platform.

  • Signin to the Unstract Platform

  • From the side navigation menu, choose Settings 🞂 Text Extractor

  • Click on the New Text Extractor button

  • From the list of supported Text Extractors, choose LLMWhisperer. You should see a dialog box where you enter details.

    img Choose LLMWhisperer Product

  • For Name, enter: LLMWhisperer OCR LP. This is just a name for you to later identify this extractor profile.

  • Leave the URL field to its default value of

  • In the LLMWhisperer Key field, paste the API key copied from the LLMWhisperer portal.

  • From the Processing Mode drop down, select ocr and for Output Mode, select line-printer.

  • Leave the Median Filter Size and Gaussian Blue Radius to their default values.

  • Click on Test Connection and ensure it succeeds. You can finally click on Submit and that should create a new Text Extractor Profile for use in your Unstract projects.

This was the last step connecting various dependencies for you to start using the Unstract Platform!