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Run Unstract Platform On Host

Setup Python services for local development



  • Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

    apt install build-essential libmagic-dev pandoc pkg-config tesseract-ocr
  • Mac

    brew install freetds libmagic pkg-config poppler
  • PDM

Manage virtual env

# Setup venv for a service.
./ -e -s <service>

# Show commands to activate venv for a service.
./ -a -s <service>

# Destroy venv for a service.
./ -d -s <service>

Install dependencies

# Install dependencies in the venv for a service.
./ -i -s <service>

Update dependencies

NOTE: All commands assume that you are inside the service dir.

# Add a dependency to the pyproject.toml of a service.
pdm add <package_from_pypi>

# Add a local relative path dependency as an editable install.
pdm add -e <relative_path_to_local_package>

# List all dependencies.
pdm list

# Generate lock file.
pdm lock

Other utilities

NOTE: All commands assume that you are inside the service dir.

# Install specific dev dependency group.
pdm install --dev -G lint

# Install production dependencies only.
pdm install --prod --no-editable

# List all defined scripts that can be executed.
pdm run -l


See backend for more details on running the backend.

Setup NodeJS services for local development


  • Install dependencies with npm install
  • Start the server with npm start