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OpenAI LLMs are powerful AI systems trained on massive amounts of text data, allowing them to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

Getting started with OpenAI LLMs


When you sign up for OpenAI, you'll get $5 in free credits. This credit limit is more than sufficient to run a simple example.To increase a usage limit,visit OpenAI Billing section

  1. Signup an OpenAI account.

  2. From the side navigation menu, choose API Keys and create a new API key.

    img OpenAI LLM img OpenAI LLM

Setting up the OpenAI LLM model in Unstract

Now that we have an API key from OpenAI, we can use it to set up an LLM profile on the Unstract platform. For this:

  • Sign into the Unstract Platform

  • From the side navigation menu, choose Settings 🞂 LLMs

  • Click on the New LLM Profile button

  • From the list of LLMs, choose OpenAI. You should see a dialog box where you enter details.

    img OpenAI LLM Configuration

  • For Name,enter a name for this connector.

  • In the API Key field, paste the API key we created on the OpenAI website.

  • For Model, refer to OpenAI model names

  • Leave the Max retries,Timeout and the API Base field to their default values.

  • Click on Test Connection and ensure it succeeds. You can finally click on Submit and that should create a new LLM Profile for use in your Unstract projects.