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Pinecone Vector Database

Pinecone is a cloud-based vector database designed for machine learning applications. It excels at storing and searching high-dimensional vector data, enabling fast and accurate similarity searches for tasks like recommendation systems and image recognition.

Getting started with Pinecone

  1. Signup a free Pinecone account.

  2. By default, the Organization and API key will be generated. Get the API key as shown below,

    img Pinecone Vector DB Configuration


This is just a starter plan, check pricing section for plan upgrade.

Setting up the Pinecone Vector DB in Unstract

Now that we have an API key from Pinecone, we can use it to set up a Vector DB profile on the Unstract platform. For this:

  • Sign in to the Unstract Platform

  • From the side navigation menu, choose Settings 🞂 Vector DBs

  • Click on the New Vector DB Profile button

  • From the list of supported Vector DBs, choose Pinecone. You should see a dialog box where you enter details.

    img Pinecone Vector Database Configuration

  • For Name, enter a name for this connector.

  • In the Environment field, enter the pinecone indexes environment name. It's gcp-starter in this case.

  • In the API Key field, paste the API key we copied on pinecone website.

  • Click on Test Connection and ensure it succeeds. You can finally click on Submit and that should create a new VectorDB Profile for use in your Unstract projects.