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Qdrant Vector Database

Qdrant vectorDB is a high-performance database for storing and searching high-dimensional data like image and text encodings. It lets you find similar items using vector similarity search and filter results based on additional data.

Set up Qdrant Vector Database


Qdrant Cloud features a "forever free" managed cloud plan that is plenty enough for us to cover our example use cases.To increase the usage limit check Qdrant Pricing section

Sign up for Qdrant Cloud

Go to the Qdrant website and click on the Cloud icon on the top right. That should take you to a sign-up / login page. If you're logging in for the first time, a new account is automatically created. You should land in a page similar to the one in the screenshot below.

img Create free Qdrant Vector DB cluster

  • In the Create your first free tier cluster section, provide for_unstract as the cluster name.
  • Click on the Create free tier cluster button.
  • You should be greeted with a success message like the one below if everything went well.

img Qdrant success message

  • Click on Continue.
  • We'll now generate and copy an API key for your new Qdrant account which we'll use in the Unstract Platform.

img Copy Qdrant API key

  • Copy the API key and keep hold it safely somewhere until we're ready to enter details into the Unstract Platform in subsequent steps. If you lose this key, while you can't retrieve the same, you can always create a new one.
  • Click on Continue to eventually go to the dashboard where you can fine details of your newly created free Qdrant cluster.

img Qdrant cluster details

  • Click on the little arrow / triangle to disclose more details about the cluster.
  • Copy the Cluster URL. This along with the already copied API key is what we'll need to set up our new Vector DB Profile on the Unstract Platform. Let's do that now.

Setting up the Qdrant Vector DB in Unstract

Now that we have an API key from Qdrant, we can use it to set up a Vector DB profile on the Unstract platform. For this:

  • Sign in to the Unstract Platform

  • From the side navigation menu, choose Settings 🞂 Vector DBs

  • Click on the New Vector DB Profile button

  • From the list of supported Vector DBs, choose Qdrant. You should see a dialog box where you enter details.

    img Qdrant Vector Database Configuration

  • For Name, enter a name for this connector.

  • In the URL field, paste in the Cluster URL copied earlier from the Qdrant console.

  • In the API Key field, paste the API key we created and copied earlier from the Qdrant console.

  • Click on Test Connection and ensure it succeeds. You can finally click on Submit and that should create a new Vector DB Profile for use in your Unstract projects.