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N8N Custom Node

N8N is a workflow automation tool that allows you to automate tasks and workflows. This guide will show you how to use the Unstract custom node for N8N that interacts with a deployed Unstract API.

The N8N custom node is available in npm as n8n-nodes-unstract


Installation documentation from N8N for custom community nodes.

Once installed it would be available in Community Nodes.

Confirmation of installation

Authentication Credentials

Credentials are required to authenticate with the Unstract API. New credentials can be created in N8N using the credentials section in overview. Enter "Unstract API" when asked to "Select an app or service to connect to". Enter the API key and the Organization ID.

Input Parameters


Input Parameters

Note that File Contents is binary file contents loaded from any previous node.

Input Parameters

Typical Workflow

A typical workflow would look like this:

Typical Workflow