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Troubleshooting FAQ

All frequent questions on troubleshooting issues.

  1. The worker is responsible for running tools as standalone containers when a workflow is run. It creates a container for each file being processed. By default these tool containers are removed once processing is complete.

    docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml logs worker
  2. Viewing the above tool containers logs will provide further details on the arguments passed to each tool and the processing involved. To achieve this, retain spawned tool containers by setting the REMOVE_CONTAINER_ON_EXIT env for worker. Restart the container for the env changes to reflect.


    Re-run the workflow and check the tool containers logs.

  3. Additionally, backend logs can be of use when a workflow or pipeline is triggered from the UI. Also the execution-consumer logs will be useful with scheduled pipeline runs.

    docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml logs backend
    docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml logs execution-consumer