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Unstract provides an API-driven interface for executing workflows securely and efficiently using appropriate authentication methods. To begin, a workflow must be deployed as an API through the API Deployment process. Once a workflow is deployed as an API, several actions become available, including triggering executions and checking the execution status.

The deployment also offers a convenient option to download the Postman collection for each API, simplifying integration into your workflow. This collection is accessible from the Download Postman Collection option found in the actions menu of each listed API in the API Deployment tab.

Key Capabilities of the API Deployment APIs:

  • Execute a Deployed API: Trigger the execution of a deployed workflow.
  • Retrieve Execution Status: Obtain the current status of a workflow execution, useful when executions are asynchronous.

These RESTful APIs can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, offering flexibility and ease of use.

API Endpoints

Execution APIExecute a deployed API with the desired inputs.
Status APIRetrieve the status of an execution. Useful for checking execution status in async mode.

Base URL

The base URL for all the APIs is:


All APIs require an API key for authentication. You can obtain your API key from the Postman collection or from the Manage Keys section within the API Deployments page. The key must be included in the request header (Authorization) as a Bearer token.

Example Request:

curl -X POST --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Api Key>' \
--form 'files=@"/home/user/Downloads/file_1.pdf"' \
--form 'files=@"/home/user/Downloads/file_2.pdf"'