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Status API

Use the Status API to check the status of a running execution. This endpoint allows you to track the execution initiated via the Execution API.


HeadersAuthorization: Bearer <YOUR API KEY>


execution_idstringYesThe ID of the execution.
You can find it in the Execution API response or the API Deployment logs.

Example Curl Request

curl -X GET --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Your API Key>'


Refer to Possible HTTP Status Codes for a complete list of status codes.

Example 200 Response

"status": "COMPLETED",
"message": [
"file": "abc.pdf",
"status": "Success",
"result": {
"input_file": "abc.pdf",
"result": "unknown"
"metadata": {
"source_name": "abc.pdf",
"source_hash": "9bfb3c389658c442101e8c01c7f5eb722e2440297c490a63bf2a848083067da9",
"organization_id": "ABCD",
"workflow_id": "152d2209-af26-474b-b57b-1b786c8a046c",
"execution_id": "<Id of execution at which the file actually executed without using file history>",
"total_elapsed_time": "<total time of execution>",
"tool_metadata": [
"tool_name": "classify",
"elapsed_time": "<Tool execution time>",
"output_type": "JSON"

Possible Execution status

PENDINGThe execution is still being processed. Check back later.
QUEUEDThe task has been queued for asynchronous execution. Check back later.
INITIATEDThe execution has been initiated and will begin soon. Check back later.
READYThe execution is ready for the build phase. Check back later.
EXECUTINGThe execution currently being executed. Please check again later.
COMPLETEDThe execution has been successfully completed, either fully or partially.
ERRORThe API encountered an error during execution, or all file executions have failed.