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Ollama is a user-friendly platform that lets you run powerful large language models (LLMs) directly on your own computer, even utilizing your graphics card for faster processing.

Getting started with Ollama

Ollama LLM offers three primary ways to run and interact with large language models:

  • Local System.
  • Docker Image.
  • Cloud GPUs(Preferred one).

Running Ollama in Local System and Docker Image are not recommended, and you can't directly connect the Local ollama instance/ Dockerized ollama in Unstract cloud, you need to use tools like Ngrok to achieve this.

Local System.


  • Download the installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) from the Official Ollama website or GitHub repository.
  • Follow the installation instructions. Ollama will automatically detect available GPUs on your system.

Download and install the LLM Model:

  • Ollama doesn't come with pre-installed models. Choose one from the Ollama model library that's compatible with your system.
  • Use the ollama run command followed by the model name (e.g., ollama run llama3). Ollama will download the model if necessary.

Docker Container.

Ollama is available as an official Docker image. Refer the Ollama official documentation for the steps.

Cloud GPU's.

Choose a Cloud Provider:

  • Popular options include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure.

Launch a GPU Instance:

  • Select a GPU-enabled VM instance type that meets your needs (amount of RAM, GPU type, VRAM).Ollama supports Nvidia GPU's, refer GPU's section for more details.
  • Follow the cloud provider's specific instructions for launching instances.

Connect and Install Ollama:

  • Connect to the cloud instance using SSH or a web console.
  • Install Ollama on the instance following the instructions for your operating system. You may need to install additional dependencies like CUDA Toolkit or ROCm for GPU support. Refer to Ollama's documentation.

Optional GPU Configuration:

  • Some cloud providers might require additional configuration to ensure Ollama utilizes the GPU. Consult the provider's documentation.

Run Ollama with GPU Acceleration:

  • Use the ollama run command followed by the model name (e.g., ollama run llama3). Ollama should automatically detect the GPU and leverage it for faster.

Setting up the Ollama LLM model in Unstract

Now that we have a URL of instance in which ollama is running, we can use it to set up an LLM profile on the Unstract platform. For this:

  • Sign in to the Unstract Platform

  • From the side navigation menu, choose Settings 🞂 LLMs

  • Click on the New LLM Profile button.

  • From the list of LLMs, choose Ollama. You should see a dialog box where you enter details.

    img Google Anthropic LLM Configuration

  • For Name, enter a name for this connector.

  • In the Model Name enter the Ollama LLM model. To get the Ollama model names, refer Ollama Models Section

  • In the URL field, enter the URL in which the ollama is running.

    • In the Context Window field,enter the maximum number of context tokens for the model. Check for the Model context size by choosing any Ollama Model.
  • Leave the Timeout fields to its default value.

  • Click on Test Connection and ensure it succeeds. You can finally click on Submit and that should create a new LLM Profile for use in your Unstract projects.